Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Visionary of Tesla Motors, Elon Musk

This is a small selection of my research paper discussing the importance of Relationship Management Theory in business and how the general public reflects their thoughts about Elon Musk. 


The study and practice of public relations has continuously explored the possible benefits that arrive when organizations accept that a relationship oriented goal in public relations management is crucial to their success. The current investigation explores and examines the ways that Elon Musk, the face of Tesla Motors, leads and influences the public and his company in a mutually beneficial experience. The results suggest that a visionary leader, in this case Elon Musk, that respects the opinions of the public can reinvent the way businesses and consumers influence each other in a mutually positive manner. Discussion of future research and findings of this study are considered.


A content analysis on Elon Musk of his behaviors and the public’s perception of the CEO was curated. Multiple artifacts were studied from individuals that had personal experiences working with Musk and how Musk is compared to other historically revolutionary individuals along with his current successes. During my analysis of Elon Musk I found three main themes that are further divided into smaller sub categories. These themes are: Elon Musk as a visionary, public’s perception of Musk, and Musks influential power.

The most dominant theme found was a visionary identity. The visionary theme defines someone that builds the future with great wisdom, insight and boldness. Specifically, a visionary describes someone that is changing the world and humanity itself. Visionaries are also compared to other historically important visionaries. Elon Musk has been compared to Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Howard Hughes, and even Iron Man. 

You can find more information here

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Future of Cars #4

Magnifying Solar Power

Electric cars, hydrogen cars, and now solar cars? All for the environmentally friendly people, this is one more step away from fossil fuels. The goal is the endless supply of renewable energy, like sunlight. Now, thanks to a late invention, a giant magnifying glass could be powering your future car. 

Developers from Georgia Tech have joined Ford Motors to build a concept hybrid car that would park under a special concentrator that magnifies the sun's rays to recharge the C-Max Solar Energi vehicle. In one day of charging you can achieve 620 miles worth of driving. 

The C-Max Concept has 5 foot wide solar panels on the car's roof with a specialized design to capture and intensify the sun's rays. The canopy's magnifier will track the sun's brightest rays throughout the day, getting the most energy possible. Although it doesn't look like it's hitting the markets anytime soon, with enough support from fans, this can be a soon enough possibility.

The C-Max Concept...

The Future of Cars #3

Hydrogen Power

Finally, a alternate source of power for vehicles is being introduced by Toyota, Honda, and Hyundai next year. The auto manufactures have been evaluating these models for more than a decade, and more car companies such as Mercedes and GM are working on models as well. 

One of the benefits of Hydrogen fuel cells is that they are capable of long range driving unlike the Model S from Tesla (an all electric power house). These vehicles can reach distances of 400 miles, recharge in a matter of minutes. and are of course environmentally friendly. 

However, hydrogen fuel cells have other challenges, one being the lack of refilling stations in the U.S. Another challenge is the lack of performance in colder climates and the batteries are simply massive for the car compared to the Model S battery. Manufactures are working on overcoming these problems though, Honda and Toyota claim that they have already made successful advances at these obstacles with the help of constantly improving technology. 

The Future of Cars #2

A network of talking vehicles. 

Now days, electronics talking to each other isn't an uncommon occurrence. The bluetooth speaker telling your smartphone it's running out of battery or your car warming itself up with a push of a button on your smartphone app. It's not much longer until your car will be communicating with all the other cars on the highway on your way to work and home. 

This means that cars will be able to share traffic conditions as well as the weather and road blocks. The speed and direction of your car will also be shared with other vehicles on the road, warning others about potential hazards. This is called vehicle-to-vehicle communication, also known as, V2V. 

Prototypes have already been tested on about 3,000 cars and trucks. These devices send a short range safety signal to other vehicles to find potential accidents. The cars will send a "beep" to other cars when they detect danger, such as when another car enters a intersection, a pedestrian walks by, or another driver is driving way to fast. 

The research team behind this believes that this could get rid of almost 80% of all car wrecks on the road today. It's only a matter of time before this V2V technology is equipped on all vehicles.

The Future of Cars #1

Cars that collect and remember data about you. This might sound scary to some of you but in reality, this is something that could really help throughout the day to day activities. All of these new cars carry on-board computers that handle everything that the car does, from the stereo to the brakes. Because of this, computers can alos analyze the trends and inefficiencies of those driving behind the wheel. It wont be much longer before the car knows exactly where you want to go as soon as you step inside. 

Mercedes-Benz is the leader in this program and is developing a system that learns about the driver over time. It will learn your weekly schedule, food preferences, and perhaps even what mood you're in. Not only that, but it'll link up to the GPS and receive satellite data to help find the fastest route to where you go every minute. 

Keep this in mind next time you go car hunting a couple years in the future. The car will be getting to know you, not the other way around. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

3-D Printing Innovation Making better Vehicles?

The technology for 3-D printing only gets better, and with the latest news from Frontier Additive Manufacturing it could make vehicles more advanced and efficient. 

Eric Lynch, president and co-founder of Frontier Additive Manufacturing commented, "We are commercializing a multiple-laser method to create products at the micro-structural level that exceeds current 3-D printing capabilities' structural integrity with the ability to adjust material properties in the original location of the part. These are replacement or new products that could easily replace new or worn parts in manufacturing machinery, automotive or aerospace engines. The technology is developing quickly, and we are already successfully engaged with the medical implant industry. We also are in discussions with the automotive, aerospace and oil and gas industries."

The older 3-D printing methods could only hold about 60-70% of the original parts, which could obviously create problems down the road. Although Eric Lynch and his company are finding solutions to go above and beyond what was previously thought possible. The company's work is also decreasing the time needed to make such products significantly. Lynch claims that they'll be able to manufacture parts in an all in one center, cutting down on certain processes that were previously needed and focus the work on a single part. 

This has the potential to help the auto industry produce stronger, lighter, more advanced parts faster than ever before. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Future Auto Ideas

#1 Air Propulsion
In the LA Auto Show Design Challenge, Cadillac advances their EV and efficiency efforts with the idea of air propulsion. It has an incredible range of 1,000 miles on compressed air before refueling. To bad it's not expected to be here anytime before 2030. 

#2 In-wheel Magnetic Drive System
It's a mouth full, but i'll cut down the weight and moving parts that are needed making the car that much better. The wheels have hub-less motors that are exclusively patented by Nissan technology. This kind of tech could be out in another 15 years. 

#3 (Finally) Oxygen Emissions 
Future Vehicle Tech
One extremely awesome future vehicle tech model is the Mercedes Biome. This car of the future doesn't produce those hateful emissions. Instead, it spews back oxygen into our air. It was a compelling concept at the LA Auto Show. Although, it's not expected to be an option until 2050.