Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Visionary of Tesla Motors, Elon Musk

This is a small selection of my research paper discussing the importance of Relationship Management Theory in business and how the general public reflects their thoughts about Elon Musk. 


The study and practice of public relations has continuously explored the possible benefits that arrive when organizations accept that a relationship oriented goal in public relations management is crucial to their success. The current investigation explores and examines the ways that Elon Musk, the face of Tesla Motors, leads and influences the public and his company in a mutually beneficial experience. The results suggest that a visionary leader, in this case Elon Musk, that respects the opinions of the public can reinvent the way businesses and consumers influence each other in a mutually positive manner. Discussion of future research and findings of this study are considered.


A content analysis on Elon Musk of his behaviors and the public’s perception of the CEO was curated. Multiple artifacts were studied from individuals that had personal experiences working with Musk and how Musk is compared to other historically revolutionary individuals along with his current successes. During my analysis of Elon Musk I found three main themes that are further divided into smaller sub categories. These themes are: Elon Musk as a visionary, public’s perception of Musk, and Musks influential power.

The most dominant theme found was a visionary identity. The visionary theme defines someone that builds the future with great wisdom, insight and boldness. Specifically, a visionary describes someone that is changing the world and humanity itself. Visionaries are also compared to other historically important visionaries. Elon Musk has been compared to Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Howard Hughes, and even Iron Man. 

You can find more information here

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Future of Cars #4

Magnifying Solar Power

Electric cars, hydrogen cars, and now solar cars? All for the environmentally friendly people, this is one more step away from fossil fuels. The goal is the endless supply of renewable energy, like sunlight. Now, thanks to a late invention, a giant magnifying glass could be powering your future car. 

Developers from Georgia Tech have joined Ford Motors to build a concept hybrid car that would park under a special concentrator that magnifies the sun's rays to recharge the C-Max Solar Energi vehicle. In one day of charging you can achieve 620 miles worth of driving. 

The C-Max Concept has 5 foot wide solar panels on the car's roof with a specialized design to capture and intensify the sun's rays. The canopy's magnifier will track the sun's brightest rays throughout the day, getting the most energy possible. Although it doesn't look like it's hitting the markets anytime soon, with enough support from fans, this can be a soon enough possibility.

The C-Max Concept...

The Future of Cars #3

Hydrogen Power

Finally, a alternate source of power for vehicles is being introduced by Toyota, Honda, and Hyundai next year. The auto manufactures have been evaluating these models for more than a decade, and more car companies such as Mercedes and GM are working on models as well. 

One of the benefits of Hydrogen fuel cells is that they are capable of long range driving unlike the Model S from Tesla (an all electric power house). These vehicles can reach distances of 400 miles, recharge in a matter of minutes. and are of course environmentally friendly. 

However, hydrogen fuel cells have other challenges, one being the lack of refilling stations in the U.S. Another challenge is the lack of performance in colder climates and the batteries are simply massive for the car compared to the Model S battery. Manufactures are working on overcoming these problems though, Honda and Toyota claim that they have already made successful advances at these obstacles with the help of constantly improving technology. 

The Future of Cars #2

A network of talking vehicles. 

Now days, electronics talking to each other isn't an uncommon occurrence. The bluetooth speaker telling your smartphone it's running out of battery or your car warming itself up with a push of a button on your smartphone app. It's not much longer until your car will be communicating with all the other cars on the highway on your way to work and home. 

This means that cars will be able to share traffic conditions as well as the weather and road blocks. The speed and direction of your car will also be shared with other vehicles on the road, warning others about potential hazards. This is called vehicle-to-vehicle communication, also known as, V2V. 

Prototypes have already been tested on about 3,000 cars and trucks. These devices send a short range safety signal to other vehicles to find potential accidents. The cars will send a "beep" to other cars when they detect danger, such as when another car enters a intersection, a pedestrian walks by, or another driver is driving way to fast. 

The research team behind this believes that this could get rid of almost 80% of all car wrecks on the road today. It's only a matter of time before this V2V technology is equipped on all vehicles.

The Future of Cars #1

Cars that collect and remember data about you. This might sound scary to some of you but in reality, this is something that could really help throughout the day to day activities. All of these new cars carry on-board computers that handle everything that the car does, from the stereo to the brakes. Because of this, computers can alos analyze the trends and inefficiencies of those driving behind the wheel. It wont be much longer before the car knows exactly where you want to go as soon as you step inside. 

Mercedes-Benz is the leader in this program and is developing a system that learns about the driver over time. It will learn your weekly schedule, food preferences, and perhaps even what mood you're in. Not only that, but it'll link up to the GPS and receive satellite data to help find the fastest route to where you go every minute. 

Keep this in mind next time you go car hunting a couple years in the future. The car will be getting to know you, not the other way around. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

3-D Printing Innovation Making better Vehicles?

The technology for 3-D printing only gets better, and with the latest news from Frontier Additive Manufacturing it could make vehicles more advanced and efficient. 

Eric Lynch, president and co-founder of Frontier Additive Manufacturing commented, "We are commercializing a multiple-laser method to create products at the micro-structural level that exceeds current 3-D printing capabilities' structural integrity with the ability to adjust material properties in the original location of the part. These are replacement or new products that could easily replace new or worn parts in manufacturing machinery, automotive or aerospace engines. The technology is developing quickly, and we are already successfully engaged with the medical implant industry. We also are in discussions with the automotive, aerospace and oil and gas industries."

The older 3-D printing methods could only hold about 60-70% of the original parts, which could obviously create problems down the road. Although Eric Lynch and his company are finding solutions to go above and beyond what was previously thought possible. The company's work is also decreasing the time needed to make such products significantly. Lynch claims that they'll be able to manufacture parts in an all in one center, cutting down on certain processes that were previously needed and focus the work on a single part. 

This has the potential to help the auto industry produce stronger, lighter, more advanced parts faster than ever before. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Future Auto Ideas

#1 Air Propulsion
In the LA Auto Show Design Challenge, Cadillac advances their EV and efficiency efforts with the idea of air propulsion. It has an incredible range of 1,000 miles on compressed air before refueling. To bad it's not expected to be here anytime before 2030. 

#2 In-wheel Magnetic Drive System
It's a mouth full, but i'll cut down the weight and moving parts that are needed making the car that much better. The wheels have hub-less motors that are exclusively patented by Nissan technology. This kind of tech could be out in another 15 years. 

#3 (Finally) Oxygen Emissions 
Future Vehicle Tech
One extremely awesome future vehicle tech model is the Mercedes Biome. This car of the future doesn't produce those hateful emissions. Instead, it spews back oxygen into our air. It was a compelling concept at the LA Auto Show. Although, it's not expected to be an option until 2050.  

Google gets Android into Automotive Dashboards

According to the latest news at Google, they say that they are now taking the Android operating system to the cars dashboard (those with touchscreens). Google developers are working on  "Android Auto" software that will work  regardless of the vehicles specific hardware specs. 

Android Auto

Because this is Android, third-party developers will have a chance to make apps or assist with software updates along the side of Android Auto. Although Google isn't alone on this automotive advancement, Apple is also racing down the same road for their own preferred auto enhancements.  

Android users can "simply connect their Android handheld to a compatible vehicle and begin utilizing a car-optimized Android experience that works with the car's head unit display, steering wheel buttons," said Daniel Holle. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Introducing the Unstoppable Tire

Michelin's new tires, "Tweel" has made several new patterns for its unstoppable and airless wheels. 

Michelin has added a hard surface tread pattern and an all-terrain tread pattern to its Tweel

The one on the left with the smooth tread has a 100% surface contact ratio that provides maximum tread life and transfer of power for the pavement. On the right, the more rugged all terrain tackling design is set up for taking on anything off the pavement. The pattern on the all terrain tire can wick away mud by itself and can take on much heavier loads than their air filled brothers.  

Michelin says that these new Tweels can last up to three times longer than standard tires. Basically, anyone that owns one of these power tires will notice greater performance, stability, and durability. 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Smartphones Telling Cars to Park

It wont be much longer until you open up your car app on your smartphone, push a button, and watch your car go park itself in the lot. If that wasn't impressive enough, push the same button, and watch the car arrive to your feet waiting for your entrance.

Valeo, a French auto parts maker, uses a multiple ultrasonic sound wave sensors, laser scanners and cameras to park a car within centimeters of another vehicle or object. This sounds to good to be true, not longer would people spend 15 minutes hunting and fighting for a open parking spot.

Smartphones will soon help cars park themselves

"The car is able to do a much better parking maneuver than we as humans," said Amine Taleb, Valeo's project manager.

The name of this system is called, "Connected Automated Valet Parking". Although we are still a few years away from it being permitted into most states regulations, keep an eye out for this equipment.

Volkswagen Hybrid Gets 260 MPG

Sleek, smooth, with a style that fits right into Back to the Future.  If you're lucky enough to get your hands on 1 of the 1,000 vehicles produced during 2014, you can get 260 mpg in this Volkswagen XL1.

The XL1 uses a plug-in hybrid system to get the outstanding amount of effieciency. It's also worth mentioning that this vehicle is incredibly light on its feet, weighing just 1,750 pounds, which is half of the weight of an average car.

Many people were surprised to see this vehicle to actually go into production. Originally it was simply a concept car a few years ago, then it was publicly announced in the Geneva Motor Show.
Even though the car is only a two seater, a whole Mormon family can get to church costing only pennies, if they're willing to make four quick trips that is.

The "Egg Car"

Hyundai has developed a new concept for the car of the future, putting a new spin on a mobility scooter - the 'E4U' an egg-shaped, open-topped single person 'scooter'

Hyundai created a weird, egg shaped, concept car for people to roll around in. The "egg" (a.k.a. the E4U) fits one driver and will scoot them along at a causal walking speed.

Doing away with the traditional two-wheel design, the Hyundai concept vehicle instead uses a 'rotating semispherical part'

What makes this car especially unique is that it uses a rotating semi-spherical piece instead of a wheel to move around. This looks much like the lower half of a sphere that's constantly spinning while on the move.

It works like the lower half of a ball, which is constantly spinning and used for propulsion instead of wheels

The driver stands on a platform that also allows the diver to steer by tilting the frame to where they want to go. There are two "legs" on the back of the device that helps with stability from side to side. Since you can never be to safe, rumor has it that there's a matching helmet along with the vehicle.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Autopilot Features & Capability Tesla Motors Model S D

With all the hype of Tesla Motors latest model "the D", is the autopilot feature really capable of handling itself the way it's promoted? I believe the answer is yes... and no. 

At the moment, it is one of the most advanced cars available with some of the greatest safety features ever built in. The autopilot used a system of new radars, GPS, and camera sensors to run on the road. These features are unmistakably impressive, but the reality of it is that it's more of a turbo charged driver assist feature as of now. Musk has reveled future plans though for the vehicle that will improve it's autopilot functions as time goes on. 

Although, when the vehicle is described by Musk as, "this car is nuts. It's like taking off from a carrier deck. It's just bananas. It's like having your own personal roller coaster", I would want to feel the power transferring into my hands on the steering wheel, non-stop. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Possibility of Hacking the Modern Car?

On-star services are already capable of bring your vehicle to a halt if needed, but what about the rest of the population?

Technology in cars gets more advanced every year and usually for safety reasons or gadget upgrades which is great. Lane assist, brake assist, parking assist, rear view cameras, pedestrian sensors, and numerous other features are all possible thanks to those internal computers. Although these features are great, all these could be rendered useless and extremely dangerous if hackers found a way around the security.

In the realm of happy thoughts, there has been no evidence that anyone has hacked into auto computer systems. However, this doesn't make it an impossibility. There wasn't a virus for computers the first day the PC was released, it took a while. Fast forward to today and viruses are rampant and constantly attacking are home computers.

Two computer science professors at the University of Washington, Savage and Yoshi Kohno, were able to bypass network security within the car and were able to ignore a drivers input if they wanted (including the brakes and stopping the engine). While this is a good reason to worry, it also took this team about two years to accomplish this and even stated that the chances of anything similar happening to the average person is extremely low.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Autopilot & Power - Tesla Motors Model D

Tesla Motors has been leading the outbreak of electric vehicles for almost a decade now with Elon Musk at the helm. This latest model, the Dual Motor Model S, was introduced today after weeks of speculation.

Musk states that his vehicle is, "taking technology to the next level". It certainly look like it too. The Dual Motor Model S has Autopilot features like no other. The new system will move the vehicle over lanes with ONLY the flick of the wrist, moving the turn signal. That's right, the foot isn't on the pedal and the hands are completely free of the steering wheel. Naturally, this is all done while obeying the speed limit . This new model can read incoming speed limit signs and adjust accordingly while on the go. In a future updates, the car will be able to park itself in the owners garage or driveway while the driver is dropped off at the front door. This also works in the reverse scenario, slowly making its way to the driver wherever they may be.

The newest Tesla addition is incredibly fast, matching the McLaren's 3.2 second dash from 0-60 mph. "It's like having your own personal roller coaster," said Musk.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Augmented Reality Windshields

Mercedes is creating a virtual reality for the daily driver. An augmented reality dashboard demonstrated at CES in 2012, so the chances of this being made a "reality" in the near future is inescapable. Sometimes, a video can explain more than words ever can.

Whether this will create more or less distractions is arguable. Some say that this is an amazing safety feature because the driver never has to take their eyes truly off the road. On the other side, with so many notifications, updates, or phone calls flying in front of the drivers eyes, does this truly help the driver? Especially when you consider that the driver could leave the phone in their purse/pocket.

The game changer may be self-driving vehicles. Google has already made several prototypes of vehicles that drive by themselves with the help of radar detection, satellite, lasers, GPS, and multiple cameras. With the latest self-driving cars built with augmented reality windshields, the safety aspect might be considered "perfected".

Friday, September 19, 2014

Self-Healing Car Windows

Vehicles are undergoing through a huge amount of stress these to deliver the best possible experience for the drivers. A common problem for daily drivers are small cracks in the windshield that come about, eventually. 

To combat this problem, self-healing (or self-repairing) substances are becoming more and more popular. While you shouldn't expect a completely shattered windshield from a car wreck to magically repair itself, smaller breaks (even bullet holes) could repair itself. Similar experiments have been used with smaller glass screens like cell phones and even plastics. Autoglass is fully charged with improving and making the best possible glass for vehicles. 

For a quick example,  fast forward to 50 seconds and watch the magic happen. 

This is beautiful for not only aesthetic reasons, but it could be a cost effective solution as well. No longer would a driver have to replace the entire windshield from multiple cracks or chips. Neither would they have to worry about the crack growing across the windshield, impairing the drivers view. 

With technology like this thanks to Autoglass, the future advancements of augmented dashboards on vehicles become that much more practical and safe.